Responsible for the festival is the organization “LINZ FMR – Art in digital contexts and public spaces”. It was constituted by the independent art and cultural initiatives qujOchÖ and, Atelierhaus Salzamt of the City of Linz, University of Art and Design Linz and STURM UND DRANG GALERIE. Their representatives are involved in the conception, organization and curating of the festival.
Concept, programme and curating
Davide Bevilacqua, Jakob Dietrich, Lorenz Homolka, Holger Jagersberger, Julia Nüßlein, Sun Obwegeser, Thomas Philipp, Ushi Reiter
Management team
Jakob Dietrich, Julia Nüßlein, Thomas Philipp
Project coordination
Jakob Dietrich
Julia Nüßlein
Public relations
Thomas Philipp
Social Media
Davide Bevilacqua
Sofia Braga
Camille Alquier
Art Education
Sara Koniarek
Graphics and website