
Voices (Imagining Possible Futures)

Kyriaki Goni (GR)

The pandemic caused an ever-increasing digitalization of everyday life. At the same time, it revealed the fragility of highly interconnected ecosystems, of which human is also part. This period is a period of reflection. How do we imagine our possible futures? What are our hopes, our wishes and anxieties? How will our world look like regarding population movement, technology advancements and climate crisis in the future?

Short phrases selected from a series of imaginary texts on possible futures are printed on banners and presented in the public space inviting the passengers to stop and read them. Can you read the phrases out loud? Can you listen to your voice, can you listen to other people’s voices?

The material presented derives from texts hosted on the offline digital network Networks of Trust, which utilizes the P2P protocol IPFS. Networks of Trust (2019 – 2021) is a series of multimedia installations investigating the deep history and the possible futures of networks. Within the framework of the work, people are invited to share imaginary stories about the possible futures of climate crisis, population movements and technology in their areas.

Kyriaki Goni is an Athens born and based artist. She is a graduate of the Athens School of Fine Arts with an MA in Digital Arts. Before that she had pursued a BA and an MSc in Cultural Anthropology and Developmental Sociology from Leiden University. Working across disciplines and technologies, Goni creates expanded, multi-layered installations. She connects the local with the global by critically touching on questions of surveillance, distributed networks and infrastructures, ecosystems, human and other than human relations. Her works have been exhibited worldwide in solo and group shows, e. g. at Onassis Cultural Centre in Athens, Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art in Ljubljana or Drugo More in Rijeka.